Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oh, What a Night

Ok, I'm back and I'm here to stay this time!

A lot has happened in my life and I really need to start recording these things before I'm 52 and can't remember what happened when I was 22:)

Ok, to begin with, 2011 has already been one of the most rewarding and hardest years of my life and it's only June. My 11-year-old cat died two weeks ago and it was hard. She'd been with me for half of  my life and I can't help but wonder if she felt like she'd been deserted and decided to die. Ya, I know, morbid thought. I took her to get her cremated. We couldn't handle burying her in a foreign place. Now, she can always be with us.

You've already been told about the house. No, I'm not over it. This weekend I'm going to go see it. I probably will hate myself for it, but I must.

Now, the happy things. March, my aunt, Margie, sent me to see my cousin, Mary, in England! It was amazing. The best, and most generous gift I've ever received and far beyond anything I ever thought I'd deserve. I will go back.

I started work. Like, a real person job. I'm actually relatively decent at it. Yes, it's a surprise to me. I'm not as afraid of the future as I was before. Don't get me wrong, I still break down in tears and think I'm doing the totally wrong thing from time to time, but for the most part I am confident I'm in the right place.  And to go along with that, with in the next two months I will be moving into my very own apartment. I will be living on a tight budget and will probably hate myself for thinking I could do this, but it's all worth it and I'm excited.

My parents have found a house they love. The bank has accepted their offer. Things are going in the right direction. It's happy. And even though Fatty died, we now have 3 baby kitties. Funny how that works.

I'm happy with my weight. Now, don't go saying, "You've always looked great. Blah, blah blah." Not that I strongly disagree with that, I just know I've always been a little chunky, chunkster and I've always wished I was a bit smaller, Whether that is wrong or right I am now happy with where I am and proud that I can grab something out of the closet and comfortably and confidently put it on. No, I'm not full of myself, just proud. It's hard work, yo.

Lastly, I have a wonderful boyfriend. I like him. He's nice:)

Sorry to be so brief, but I just wanted to catch you up and tell you you will be seeing me more often. Hopefully, once a week. I'd like to eventually work up to 3 times. But, let's start slow. I'm going to try to do the outfit, lookatwhatI'mwearing thing, but maybe I'll just chat you up. I don't really have a camera, just my fancy pants iphone...which I think should do just fine. Hope you agree.

Gossip Girl


Sunday, February 27, 2011

If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why, oh why, can't I?

I am the worst at goodbye's. Literally. I'm awkward and uncomfortable and I'm sure the people around me can tell and wonder why I don't care and only give a halfway-butt out hug (I've literally had someone accuse me of that). I'm awkward, I can't help it. But really, I love and appreciate everything people I love do for me; I'm just terrible at relaying the message. Now, here's where it gets even more awkward. How do you say bye to a home?

Home is where your heart is. Blah blah blah. What happens when a piece of your heart is staying where your home is? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

I don't have much experience with moving,so I don't really know how to behave. I've lived in three different apartments, two different dorm rooms, but temporary living doesn't count. I always had my home that I could go back to and sleep in my own bed. My grandma moved when I was eleven, and it was terrible. Not terrible because packing sucked, or anything like that. It was probably the best summer of my life. My cousins, brothers and I spent the days playing in the pond, kick the can at night, and days when it was too humid, good ol' Harry Potter/Hogwarts/Hotel inside my grandma's house. I don't really remember any packing, although I'm sure that's what my uncle's and aunts must've been doing. It was terrible because that was the most magical place I've ever been to in my life and now the only times I can ever return is in my dreams where something is always distorted or out of place. I remember being in the back of our minivan as my dad drove away for the last time. I had tears in my eyes.  And that is exactly what I expect will come of my childhood home and it makes me sad and my eyes are always full of tears.

I really don't want to go on about this, because I feel like all I do these days is be sad about something that, I guess, isn't a living being. I just want to honor and acknowledge that this is my last night in 6210 CR AA and that it will forever be a piece of me. In a way, I'm glad no one will ever again live here, in a very selfish way.  Also, I think it's time to move on. Maybe now I'll learn how to be an adult.

R.I.P. home, I'll love you forever and like you for always.
I promise to forever miss you and try to keep my dreams as accurate as possible.

(photo credit to my lovely cousin, Mary, who I will be seeing soon!!!)

Also, Somewhere Over the Rainbow is such a happy song.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hair there, gone tomorrow....

Ok, today we're going to discuss how NOT to treat your hair if you are born with dark hair and would like to grow that hair out. First of all, I think you need to understand I began cosmetology school with shoulder length hair, intending to finish with a longer result. However, it is now a year and a half later and I have made zero progress and actually lost length. Luckily, I have pictures to document every single one of my hair failures along the way.
I believe it is important for you to know why I wear extensions and why I hate my hair:)

 Ok, here we have me in October of '09. This was taken before I headed out to chop my hair off. I don't really have a good explanation to why I thought I'd like short hair...I had just started cosmetology school and there were these two girls in my class with really short hair. They were cute, and I think I thought I would look like them if I cut my hair, plus I was bored....and I do impulsive things like that.


...and here is the result of my impulsive decision. I didn't cry right way, I managed to wait until I got into my car to start crying and didn't stop until May. But really, it's not that bad. I just went into shock and couldn't handle it. I was never confident to actually pull it off. I began to grow it out immediately....

So, I did a pretty good job of growing it out until November (some  may say that one month isn't much of growing out...and I'd agree, but you can't argue with the past:)) But, anyway, I went into the same lady who had previously cut my hair and asked her to trim my neckline because I was convinced I was growing a mullet....and this is what it turned into--an even shorter cut. I was incredible upset and never returned to that lady again...

And here's where I really started to lose my mind....I did <<THIS to my head. Yuck! I think it lasted about a day, or maybe two before i went back brown. I learned my lesson.... 
 from this<->back to this, in about a day

I'd like to say I wasn't lying and I really did learn my lesson, but it's not true. I let a couple months pass and then I started to highlight my hair. It didn't look bad; I even thought it was cute. My hair wasn't healthy, but it was no longer boy short, it was growing. It also would curl and be awesome....

 And this is where the true disaster struck. I committed hair suicide. There isn't much to say, I bleached the dickens out of my hair. This lasted for about a week, but only because I was camping for a week and wasn't too concerned about what my hair looked like....
 I am now back to my natural color of hair and it's finally pretty healthy. It's been chin length since June-ish, thanks to my bleaching endeavors, but I think it's finally ready to grow. Sorry about the poor picture, but it's a really good example on why I wear extensions (I look terrible without). Also, this is why I should wear make-up...and it's also the most recent photo of me, taken on Friday. I hadn't planned on going out this night and was caught make-upless and hairless. However, it was fun, so I am not ashamed :). Now you know my hair history, why I wear extensions. 
 I hope that through this post you were able to learn that cutting your hair off on a whim is a terrible idea. I also hope you learned that bleaching your hair after you've already done it and hated it once is another terrible idea. And lastly, not to be shallow, make-up and long hair are better for pictures if you look like me:)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

forgetting yourself for a while...

Hellllo world. I'm here to welcome you into my life. I'll begin with the 5 w's.

This is me! I actually have really short hair, but I mostly always wear extensions. So, it won't be often you see me with my short, gross hair.
Who: I'm Katri, it's like a cat in a tree, put it together: cat-tree. I'm 22...I like eating, sleeping, clothes, reading, and other things. I'm a cosmetologist. I cut hair, I don't know for how long that will last, though.

What: I'm not really sure what I want this blog to be, yet. But I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a pretty basic fashion blog. I'll probably babble about other things, as well...like, books and adventures and animals and other things that amuse and entertain me.

Where: I am from an ittybitty town in Eastern Colorado,called Idalia, which is where the name of my blog came from. County Road AA is where I lived or called my home for the first 22 yrs of my life. However, it's soon to be gone, and I'm not ready to lose it. So, it shall live on through my blog!! But, I actually live in Denver, Colorado:)
Here it is, county road AA:) or at least the sign
 When: I guess I officially started the blog a couple months ago, but never actually wrote anything in it. Now, that I'm not working and just at home in Idalia helping my parent's pack, I figured it's time to get started. However, because I'm at home packing and don't think anyone is too interested about my packing attire there aren't going to be too many awesome, outfit posts until March. But, we'll see what happens, maybe I'll get motivated again.

Why: because I don't keep a journal and just want to see where this goes.