Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October, where did you go?

It's almost November. Woof.

Well, September was, indeed, a horrific month. But, I survived....and managed to get an A in my weekend History class.

My math class, which started at the beginning of October, is about as terrible as I imagined, but I'm surviving. And, the fact that it's almost November means classes are soooo close to being done for the semester.

Actually, I think I only have two more yoga classes before that class is caput. Which will leave me with my two business classes and math to get through. That's a bit awesome.

Work is going well. I got a promotion! Wooohooo! I am now the office manager. So far, that doesn't mean a raise, but I'm hoping once I'm trained and (hopefully) doing a great job that will change.

I went out for Halloween on Saturday, which is shocking. It was fun and I was a Christmas tree! But, it's Tuesday and I'm still exhausted. I don't think my body understands what happened to it.

Sometimes, with life being as busy as it is, I get super overwhelmed and want to give up. But, not really. I can't imagine what I would be doing if I weren't in school and I really am happy at work right now.

I am currently reading Mary, called Magdalene, by Margaret George. And it's wonderful. I kind of got on a mini Bible kick after reading The Red Tent, by Anita Diamant, a while ago (good think I have wonderful Aunts to recommend wonderful books). I'll probably finish the kick off with a book my dad lent me, which is a novel version of the Bible...I'll have to let you know the title later. Haven't the foggiest idea what it is right now. I think religion is absolutely fascinating. I'm determined to understand it someday.

But, my reading list is so long right now, it's a bit daunting....but exciting I have time to still read for fun...kinda.

There aren't a lot of exciting things coming up any time soon.

Kaleb and Kathleen will be home for a few days starting Thursday, and that's exciting. Also, as of right now, I'm scheduled to have the next couple of Saturdays off--I can't even begin to explain how exciting two day weekends are! Also, Christmas is fast approaching and I'm pumped for that.

But, here are some pictures of life....kind of.

Nevs and Luna are obviously
still adorable.
Foggy Morning.

I'm a Christmas tree
Pretty Sunset.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I'm 24, woof.

Quick catch-up:

* I work at Timothy's of Colorado.
* I have two cats.  Their names happen to be Neville and Luna.
* I live in the apartment above my parents' garage in Pine, CO.
* Currently attending Red Rocks CC, studying business.
* I actually have a savings account. WITH MONEY IN IT!

Whelp, I am just going to try to blog as often as possible, treating this as my journal, just telling you about my days.  Will possibly rant about meaningless things from time-to-time.  Maybe even posting embarrassing pictures.  We will see.  We will see.  If I manage to say things more than once a year I may decide to tell friends and family to come read about me.  We will see. We will see.

So, life is surprisingly busy these days.  I work around 30-35 hours a week and starting this week I will have class Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays nights and all day Saturday, as well.  I am relatively sure September will be the end of me.  But by October I will no longer have classes on Friday and Saturday....but will be picking up a Monday/Wednesday morning Math class.  Kick me.  I hope I survive that guy.

Other than work and school I don't do a lot.  There's a wedding Saturday.  I cannot really see myself wanting to make an appearance at the reception. I may, just to appear as though I have a social life.  That would mean getting more gas.  Gas is expensive.  I will have to think if that is justification enough to just go home and eat some pizza, watch some Arrested Development and drink some wine.  Ya, that already sounds better.

Anywho, at work right now.  I have class at 6:00.  I am turning in my first paper in a billion years tonight.  It has been a while since I have really worked hard on any sort of writing.  Keep your fingers crossed.

I'll try to be back on Sunday!