Weeeeeeeeall. It seems the reason I don't blog during the semester is because I'm deathly busy. I'm not even kidding, DEATHLY BUSY.
But, I exaggerate. A quick catch up: my weekend speech class is over. It was abysmal, but it's done. Math is a little less than abysmal. Business Law isn't bad, just a lot of reading. Basic Mountaineering is fantastic, wish there were a few more females present...but, it's fun. We have a field trip to Rocky Mountain National Park coming up, and I'm pumped! Went to REI with my dad on Tuesday, bought some stellar hiking--I mean, mountaineering!--boots, and I'm good to go. Well, actually, I'm very intimidated and don't want to be the girl that keeps everyone going slow. But, I'm working on that. I'm also going to start climbing, hopefully for the first time Saturday. I'm scared about that, also. But, mostly because I don't have much core strength. Working on that, as well.
But really, I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am for spring break! I will start the week out with the mountaineering field trip, which is Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. On Tuesday I fly to Durango to see Kathleen and Kaleb. I fly back on Thursday, just to catch a flight to Michigan to see Mary. I finally return to home Sunday night. It's bound to be a magical week. Mary and I shall be getting deathly hallow tattoos. Pictures to follow.
I'll be starting on my sleeve after Kaitlin's wedding. When I have money, and some of my anxiety of another shitty tattoo has disappeared It'll happen. I know it. I can't believe how soon the weddings are. Woof. Hopefully I'll find dresses soon. I have bangs. I'm happy. I joined 24 Hour Fitness. I stopped doing Insanity pretty much instantly because it was boring. I continued the bike until that got dreadfully boring, and now it's the gym at 6:30am every morning. It's only been a week and a half, but my energy level is still really good. A friend (cute friend) showed me some strength training to go along with the damn treadmill. So, Hunger Games, HERE I COME. I kid, I kid. But not really. Mostly, I still just want to climb mountains and not fall off. Eating habits are good, other than the 90 cookies I consume every day, I'm golden. With help, I've come to the conclusion I'm a fatalist. I'm going to work on that. It's incredibly hard to completely change your mindset; I'll get there. I will.
I've been reading mountaineering books and some classics; it's an interesting combination. I just finished Into Thin Air, and The Great Gatsby. I'm now onto Epic: Stories of Survival from the World's Highest Peaks and Great Expectations. Interesting combinations, but all good books. I enjoy life, am not home much, but smile a lot. Work is stressful, I don't want to talk about it. I'm ready for summer time. And a day to sleep in.
I have bangs. I'm at work. Don't fire me.
See you someday, possibly not soon.