Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oh, What a Night

Ok, I'm back and I'm here to stay this time!

A lot has happened in my life and I really need to start recording these things before I'm 52 and can't remember what happened when I was 22:)

Ok, to begin with, 2011 has already been one of the most rewarding and hardest years of my life and it's only June. My 11-year-old cat died two weeks ago and it was hard. She'd been with me for half of  my life and I can't help but wonder if she felt like she'd been deserted and decided to die. Ya, I know, morbid thought. I took her to get her cremated. We couldn't handle burying her in a foreign place. Now, she can always be with us.

You've already been told about the house. No, I'm not over it. This weekend I'm going to go see it. I probably will hate myself for it, but I must.

Now, the happy things. March, my aunt, Margie, sent me to see my cousin, Mary, in England! It was amazing. The best, and most generous gift I've ever received and far beyond anything I ever thought I'd deserve. I will go back.

I started work. Like, a real person job. I'm actually relatively decent at it. Yes, it's a surprise to me. I'm not as afraid of the future as I was before. Don't get me wrong, I still break down in tears and think I'm doing the totally wrong thing from time to time, but for the most part I am confident I'm in the right place.  And to go along with that, with in the next two months I will be moving into my very own apartment. I will be living on a tight budget and will probably hate myself for thinking I could do this, but it's all worth it and I'm excited.

My parents have found a house they love. The bank has accepted their offer. Things are going in the right direction. It's happy. And even though Fatty died, we now have 3 baby kitties. Funny how that works.

I'm happy with my weight. Now, don't go saying, "You've always looked great. Blah, blah blah." Not that I strongly disagree with that, I just know I've always been a little chunky, chunkster and I've always wished I was a bit smaller, Whether that is wrong or right I am now happy with where I am and proud that I can grab something out of the closet and comfortably and confidently put it on. No, I'm not full of myself, just proud. It's hard work, yo.

Lastly, I have a wonderful boyfriend. I like him. He's nice:)

Sorry to be so brief, but I just wanted to catch you up and tell you you will be seeing me more often. Hopefully, once a week. I'd like to eventually work up to 3 times. But, let's start slow. I'm going to try to do the outfit, lookatwhatI'mwearing thing, but maybe I'll just chat you up. I don't really have a camera, just my fancy pants iphone...which I think should do just fine. Hope you agree.

Gossip Girl
