Thursday, November 21, 2013

Juice, it's what's for dinner

Smoothies, not juice.

My juicing did not go as planned. I lasted about eight hours drinking, what turned out to be shakes. I don't have the self control, or perhaps the drive, to just drink things for three days--or one day.

However, it was not a complete failure. I've continued to drink shakes, and they help my digestive system immensely. I'm almost pooping daily now. Almost. And I do feel better.

Mostly I just put a ton of spinach and kale in the shake, a frozen banana--or two, some almond butter (or dark chocolate almond butter). I've bought some other frozen fruits to add, fresh berries are too expensive. If I ever get to whole foods I will get some protein powder. But, I haven't done that. Sometimes I get serious fits of wanting to throw up, and I've been told it's probably because I'm dumping sugar into my body and I'm getting hyper-glycemic. Something like that, anyway.

The shakes are always green, rarely look appetizing. But, for the most part taste great. I'm the least healthy person in the whole world when it comes to my diet....but, I'll work on that.

I was a bit afraid this was going to cause me to gain weight, because of all the sugar and carbs, but I've actually lost two pounds. I think it's from the pooping.

So, that's that.


Also, I quit my other job.

Let me tell you, having a day off does a lot for mental breakdowns. I'm still a terrible person, and deserve a good punch in the face 62% of the time....but I'm better.

I still haven't started exercising........ooopsies.

It's November--and I'm thankful

Today and everyday I am thankful for:

-my two beautiful parents
-my three brothers, who are generally more beautiful than me
-my two perfect sister's-in-law, who are always more beautiful that me--and who have become my best friends
-my perfect boyfriend, who treats me far better than I deserve
-my cousin, Mary, who is far smarter and more beautiful than me
-my entire extended family
-all my friends, even if you're not related to me
-every animal in the whole wide world...even mountain lions
-Colorado, and its beautiful weather
-I am thankful for the outdoors
-my car, who gets treated like actual poop, but continues to drive down the road
-the Harry Potter series, Mists of Avalon, Beach Music, and every book I've ever read
-good food
-Indian food
-the fashion world
-being born in America
-being raised to understand that just because I was born in America, I am no better than anyone born in any other country
-batman onesies
-my job, and the people I work with
-the chance to dream
-my parents' beautiful house, and the house next door to them that they let me live in

I'm thankful for everything and anything that has helped me become the person I am today. I'm a lucky person who is spoiled by everyone in my life. And I am thankful for that.

I'm thankful for fluffy things. Like cats. And dogs. And skunks.