Ok, today we're going to discuss how NOT to treat your hair if you are born with dark hair and would like to grow that hair out. First of all, I think you need to understand I began cosmetology school with shoulder length hair, intending to finish with a longer result. However, it is now a year and a half later and I have made zero progress and actually lost length. Luckily, I have pictures to document every single one of my hair failures along the way.
I believe it is important for you to know why I wear extensions and why I hate my hair:)
Ok, here we have me in October of '09. This was taken before I headed out to chop my hair off. I don't really have a good explanation to why I thought I'd like short hair...I had just started cosmetology school and there were these two girls in my class with really short hair. They were cute, and I think I thought I would look like them if I cut my hair, plus I was bored....and I do impulsive things like that.
...and here is the result of my impulsive decision. I didn't cry right way, I managed to wait until I got into my car to start crying and didn't stop until May. But really, it's not that bad. I just went into shock and couldn't handle it. I was never confident to actually pull it off. I began to grow it out immediately....
from this<->back to this, in about a day
And this is where the true disaster struck. I committed hair suicide. There isn't much to say, I bleached the dickens out of my hair. This lasted for about a week, but only because I was camping for a week and wasn't too concerned about what my hair looked like....
I am now back to my natural color of hair and it's finally pretty healthy. It's been chin length since June-ish, thanks to my bleaching endeavors, but I think it's finally ready to grow. Sorry about the poor picture, but it's a really good example on why I wear extensions (I look terrible without). Also, this is why I should wear make-up...and it's also the most recent photo of me, taken on Friday. I hadn't planned on going out this night and was caught make-upless and hairless. However, it was fun, so I am not ashamed :). Now you know my hair history, why I wear extensions.
I hope that through this post you were able to learn that cutting your hair off on a whim is a terrible idea. I also hope you learned that bleaching your hair after you've already done it and hated it once is another terrible idea. And lastly, not to be shallow, make-up and long hair are better for pictures if you look like me:)
Dude, no joke, I'm not just saying this, but you look great in that last picture. I honestly don't see anything wrong with it. I mean, there's that weird spear of hair cutting across your forehead, but that happens...
ReplyDeleteAlso, I really liked the way you looked with short hair. But I generally think you're purrdie, so maybe you don't want to trust me.